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The List v1.0
Here is a ‘list’. It is not a list of only 28 names . This list has additions but may well also have omissions. We have no doubt that it is the tip of an iceberg that may well sink the government and judiciary. We will not say with absolute certainty why these names are on the ‘list’ however if …
Silent Vigil 31 August
ACTION INFO (posted 23 July 2021) Silent Vigil 31 AugustClick the image to download a printable PDF of the flyer. Print off at least 50 of these A4 sheets and cut in half to A5 size; distribute them under windscreens and wherever you think they will be picked up and read. We want to gather at least 4000+ people at …
Submission Against Extending QLD SOE Powers to April 2022
Economics and Governance Committee Queensland Parliament Email: [email protected] Dear Committee: Re: Extension of Emergency Powers. Re: Concerns over Yvette D’ath, Minister for Health’s tabled bill for (Further Extension of Expiring Provisions) Amendment Bill 2021. I seek your Committee’s and also that of the Minister for Health Yvette D’arth’s explanation regarding the following matters listed below; (1) how it is possible …
MP Sandy Bolton Meeting Notes – 05 July 2021
The following are meeting notes outlining the context and discussions from the meeting on 05 July 2021 with Sandy Bolton MP. Sandy Thank you so much for your time earlier today. It was a pleasure to meet you and I am grateful for the extended time you allowed and your engagement in the discussion. As requested, I have attached an …
2015 Bio-security Act
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”BioSecurity Act (2015)”]
Australia Constitution 1901 (copy of the original document)
This is a PDF copy of the original Australian Constitution. [pdf-embedder url=””]
Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (The Constitution) 1977
Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (The Constitution) This compilation was prepared on 4 September 2013 taking into account alterations up to Act No. 84 of 1977 [Note: This compilation contains all amendments to the Constitution made by the Constitution Alterations specified in Note 1 Additions to the text are shown in bold type Omitted text is shown as ruled through] Prepared by …
Speech – One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts – 18 June 2021
Transcript. As a servant to the people of Queensland and Australia, I ask: what’s happening to our country? On COVID, due to the overseas deaths early last year, I was cooperative and supportive from the start. On 23 March 2020 and 8 April 2020, on single-day sittings in this Senate, we gave the government a blank cheque. But I added, …
ACTION: FairWork Covid-19 Vaccination position (15Apr21)
ACTION: Print this PDF and distribute it to anyone you know who is facing the choice to get the COVID jab or loose their job. It briefly outlines the individuals current position under the law. There is a suggested lawful recourse which involves using a doctors appointment and legal requests in response to any perceived coercion on the part of …
Petition (AU GOV) – Stop Vaccine Passports
URGENT response needed – as National Cabinet is working on the ‘Digital Vaccine Passport’ to become mandatory. Please sign this petition & pass it onto your circles /network asap if you want the Government to commit to NOT rolling out of any e-vaccination/status/immunity passport. Petition EN2463 – Government to commit no rolling out any e-vaccination status/immunity passport If more than …
COVID-19 Vax & COVIDSafe App for the Workplace – Fair Work Commission (AU Gov – read)
24 March 2021 – The below quoted directly from the AU Gov Workplace Fair Work Commission website at Introduction On 14 May 2020, the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) was amended to support free and informed choice about whether to download and use the COVIDSafe app. The amendments include new offences and workplace rights in section 94H of the Privacy …
COVID-19 vaccinations & the workplace (AU Gov – read/download) The below text is taken directly from the FairWork website – 23 March 2021. You can download the excerpt as a PDF at the bottom of the page. Published 26 January 2021 | Updated 3 March 2021 Employers and employees are seeking clarity on their workplace rights and obligations as COVID-19 (coronavirus) vaccines become available in Australia. This page provides …
IMPORTANT: Download and print this document. Scroll down to see the printable PDF. Carry it with you at all times and use it to justify your refusal to use the COVIDSafe app in order to enter a business premises or use its services. Anyone refusing you entry or service risks 5 years in jail or 500 penalty points which equates …