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Phoenix Healing is open for business!

In 2020 our business The Good Earth became one of the victims of the draconian global response to COVID.


Plandemic-related shipping restrictions disrupted international deliveries for many months and like many businesses at the time The Good Earth had to close down.

You might remember purchasing The Good Earth branded CBD oil products until 2020...


Now, in 2025, almost 5 years later, we’re excited to share that we’ve finally risen from the ashes as:

Phoenix Healing!

Phoenix Healing brings you premium organic CBD oil in 10,000mg, 5,000mg, 2,000mg, and 250mg, and functional mushroom capsules (Reishi, Turkey Tail, Cordyceps, Lion’s Mane) for your natural health and well being.

After the past few years of stress and insanity everyone is tired. It might seem easier to roll over and capitulate. However we still live in a country whose government seems to think that we can't think for ourselves or make well considered decisions about how we live - there is still so much more to do!

Your purchase helps feed and house us so we can continue  working on the side for our collective freedom. There is so much more to do.

Use the discount code 25in25 to enjoy..

25% off our CBD range

Use discount code:


at www.phoenixhealing.uk ➤➤


Phoenix Healing has CBD Oil in a range of strengths: 10,000mg 5,000mg 2,000mg and 250mg (for pets)

For those seeking a stronger CBD oil, we now offer one of the most potent options available - 10,000mg in both full spectrum (under 0.2% THC) and broad spectrum (zero THC).

Many of you are already familiar with our popular and trusted Good Earth product formulations; 5,000mg and 2,000mg CBD oil, as well as our 250mg CBD oil for pets. Now, we’ve also introduced broad-spectrum options for those who prefer or require THC-free products.

Important Notes:

đź“Ś We ship from the USA to most locations.

đź“Ś We remain in Australia however our business is now UK based with shipping from our HACCP certified facility in the USA.

đź“Ś We can send to Australia however please be aware that there are continuing issues with legality of CBD so you are responsible when ordering.

đź“Ś New Zealand Customers: If possible, please attach a prescription or recommendation note from your health professional with your CBD order for smoother shipping.

đź“Ś Customers outside the USA (UK, Europe, Australia, etc): Please check your local regulations, as customs may delay or seize your CBD order.


15 Feb 2022 ~ 2 million men, women & children rally in Canberra for Freedom!

Dane Wigington and Mike Adams issue URGENT WARNING for the survival of the human race - 11 Jan 2024

How did 'they' do it?

If you are wondering how so many people were coerced in to taking the jab and obeying the directives and mandates then this book is a must read. In fact if you only read one book this year this should be it!

A quote from the Forward by Dr Naomi Wolf:

Dr. Michael Nehls’s thesis in this book is revolutionary because it brings together all of these fields of inquiry and proposes a set of questions so radical that they make the mysteries of the past three years fall into place. This is the indispensable book.

In The Indoctrinated Brain, Dr. Nehls brings these areas of study together in a way that has never been done before. By applying neuroscience to the otherwise bizarre events of the recent past, he explains what has happened to humanity.

Many of us have noted that our loved ones and colleagues have changed. Post-mRNA injection rollout, we notice that people who were highly educated critical thinkers, have become unable to think outside of two simple binaries. We watch in astonishment as formerly sophisticated loved ones and friends regurgitate talking points with no self-awareness. We wonder why there is a sense of something inchoately missing when we sit with a vaccinated or COVID-fearful friend. We cannot fathom what has caused this sea change.

Dr. Nehls’s hypothesis can explain it. “The Indoctrinated Brain introduces a largely unknown, powerful neurobiological mechanism whose externally induced dysfunction underlies these catastrophic developments,” as the publisher notes. Dr. Nehls argues that the spike protein, along with other COVID measures, represents an intentional attack on the human hippocampus—where autobiographical memory and individuality itself originate—and that “fear porn” keeps us from holding on to the autobiographical memories that encompass our former selves. As a result, humans have become deindividualized, more suggestible, more forgetful, more compliant, and less able to engage in critical thinking and creative reasoning.

This argument utterly accords with what many of us are seeing, to our horror, every day. Dr. Nehls’s The Indoctrinated Brain is an indispensable book because it applies neuroscience to politics and especially to the politics of fascism. The need for that has existed for as long as modern fascism has existed..

In his book Dr Nehls details how we can maintain our memory, curiosity, intellectual sovereignty and sanity.

Find this book and read it!





Share your feelings with our Freedom Stickers!

110mm diameter printed on vinyl from $5


Radiation EMF / EMR protection & DETOX.

Shungite powder for EMF protective paint, Shungite Jewellery to reduce radiation impact on your body, shungite infused honey for radiation, heavy metal & jab DETOX,

Visit our sponsor website: The Shungite Shop

If you would like to advertise here get in touch.

Free Australia Today!

Free Australia Today - it's what we want and when we want it!

This site is a place to share and find information, links, ideas, great people, events, documents, opinions, history and more. It represents above all else our desire for freedom of voice and choice without coercion.

Introduction to Our Globalist World


First they have taken control of the World’s governments through bribery, blackmail and national debt. Many observant Australians are aware that for decades, our Federal and State Governments have sold us out to the unelected, corrupted World Economic Forum/United Nations/WHO cartel - as well as numerous multinational corporations who have been plundering our resources and economy. READ MORE >>

Support Us & Show your Solidarity

The Light Australia Newspaper

The Light Australia newspaper

Free Australia Today has created an archive of downloadable PDF versions of all issues of The Light Australia. They are sorted by issue latest to earliest. We will add new editions as they become available.

The Light newspaper was founded in Ireland and has been championed by Dr Dolores Cahill. The Light has an Irish and UK edition and an Australian edition since October 2022. We encourage you to get your hands on it, read it and then pass it on to anyone you think needs to see it. Presently The Light Australia is published out of Western Australia. We look forward to each state having its own Light soon.

You can become a contributor, distributor and advertise in the paper - visit The Light Australia website to find out more. If you would like advertise in The Light visit the website.

The Light Australia, Issue 6 - June 2023

Concerns For Bank Savings

The Light Australia, Issue 5 - May 2023

All Your Money Controlled Forever!

The Light Australia, Issue 4 - March 2023

Australian Pharmacologist Speaks Out!

The Light Australia, Issue 3 - February 2023

"It's a big club, and you ain't in it". George Carlin

The Light Australia, Issue 2 - December 2022

Global Warning - What unelected billionaires & bureaucrats are planning!

The Light Australia, Issue 1 - October 2022

The first issue for Australia. Special feature on the Digital Future!