Ron Sandilands (commentator) – In My Opinion Newsletter – February 2021

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Newsletter - February 2021

                  Think For Yourself
There seem to be only two health problems talked about in Australia today
  • Covid-19
  • Vaccinations  

Which one is more likely to kill you?

Covid-19 kills no more people than the annual flu. No country globally has a rate of deaths in the last 12 months from all causes greater than usual.

Vaccinations are another question.

It usually takes many years to test and develop a safe vaccine. Vaccines designed to stop Covid-19 have not followed standard safety testing procedures.

You have a choice to make. The articles in this Newsletter will help you decide. The article,  “A Crime Against Humanity German Corona Investigative Committee” will convince you about the Covid-19 hoax.

The article, ‘Myths Versus Facts’ will convince you not to vaccinate for any reason; particularly Wendy Daniel’s book, ‘Vaccines Myths and Facts’. You can buy her 162-page book for $20 plus postage.

        Ivermectin Now, Ivermectin Forever

Ivermectin doesn't kill anybody, whereas vaccines kill a proportion of those vaccinated, some straight away and then some later.

As I said in the January Newsletter, Bill Gates and his eugenicists cohorts' have pushed aside disease prevention. Their only objective is profits and depopulation of the globe.

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            You Have to Make a Choice.
                Vaccinate YES or NO!

The only Constructive Way is to Read and Listen to Extremely Qualified Professional Medical People, Who have NO Financial Interest in the Manufacture and Sale of Vaccine Drugs.

Before you make your decision ask yourself, “Is our Government under any outside influence?”
Also, ask yourself, “Is there any financial gain for individual Politicians?”

It is time-consuming but necessary to understand what’s behind the need to be vaccinated with unproven and untested vaccines.

There seems to be only two health problems talked about in Australia today.

  • Corona Virus
  • Vaccinations

Which one is more likely to kill you?

Corona Virus kills no more people than the annual flu. There is no country on this globe that has a rate of deaths greater than normal.

Vaccinations are another question. Vaccines take many years to develop to a stage where all possible testing has been done. The standards required for vaccines to be certified as safe has not been applied to the current string of vaccines. What should take a few years has been developed in less then 14 months. Are you happy with this?

You have a choice to make. The articles in this Newsletter will make up your mind. The article,  “A Crime Against Humanity German Corona Investigative Committee” will convince you about the hoax of Corona Virus.

The article, ‘Myths Versus Facts’ will definitely convince you not to vaccinate for any reason; particularly Wendy Daniel’s book, ‘Vaccines Myths and Facts’. You can buy her 162 page book for $20 plus postage.

               A Crime Against Humanity
   German Corona Investigative Committee

The German Corona Investigative Committee has taken testimony from a large number of international scientists and experts.

Their conclusions are the following:

The corona crisis must be renamed the “Corona Scandal”

It is:

  • The biggest tort case ever.
  • (A tort is a civil wrong that causes a claimant to suffer loss or harm, resulting in legal liability for the person who commits the tortuous act. It can include intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligence, financial losses, injuries, invasion of privacy, and many other things)
  • The greatest crime against humanity ever committed

Those responsible must be:

  • Criminally prosecuted for crimes against humanity
  • Sued for civil damages
  • Deaths

There is no excess mortality in any country because Corona virus mortality equals seasonal flu

Read the evidence being presented in a world-wide Class action

Now that you have read the introduction; read the full story.

Media reports as well as government officials have failed to outline the nature of the PCR Test. 

 The CDC (CDC is America's equivalent to our Australian Government Department of Health) could not produce a single study to support that the vaccines given during the first six months of life did not cause autism and had to capitulate and remove from its website that “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism.” 

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This is Riccardo Bosi’s a Business Card that is being distributed around the region to help people understand what Australia One Party is all about.

You can foliow him; Go to Google 'Joel Jammal YouTube' Select 'Videos' and over 100 videos will appear for you to choose. Most are short video extract taken from long interviews.

You share many things with your friends; conversations, jokes, meals, interesting news etc.

Our world is rapidly changing, and to keep up, we have to stay informed. We are the gatekeepers for our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. It is our responsibility to keep them informed so they can effectively carry out their duty.

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I source most articles in this Newsletter from various publications, and I identify the author at the end of each article, and that includes all comments and opinions from me.

My comments will not necessarily be your values and opinions.

I encourage you to consider all the information that is included in the Newsletter and form your own opinions. I welcome your feedback and any comments, via the Feedback box at the end of this Newsletter.

The purpose of this Newsletter is to help you understand the events, Local, State, Nationally and Internationally, that is currently happening and how it will affect our future and the future of our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Ron Sandilands

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14A Image Flat Road



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