ACTION: FairWork Covid-19 Vaccination position (15Apr21)

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ACTION: Print this PDF and distribute it to anyone you know who is facing the choice to get the COVID jab or loose their job. It briefly outlines the individuals current position under the law. There is a suggested lawful recourse which involves using a doctors appointment and legal requests in response to any perceived coercion on the part of …

COVID-19 Vax & COVIDSafe App for the Workplace – Fair Work Commission (AU Gov – read)

crewAll, AU Government, Blogs, Common Law, Employment, Freedom of Information, Mandates & Law, National, Uncategorized

24 March 2021 – The below quoted directly from the AU Gov Workplace Fair Work Commission website at Introduction On 14 May 2020, the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) was amended to support free and informed choice about whether to download and use the COVIDSafe app. The amendments include new offences and workplace rights in section 94H of the Privacy …

COVID-19 vaccinations & the workplace (AU Gov – read/download)

crewAll, AU Government, Blogs, Common Law, Education, Employment, Ideas & Suggestions, Mandates & Law, National, Politics, Uncategorized, Vaccination, Vaccination Refusal, Websites The below text is taken directly from the FairWork website – 23 March 2021. You can download the excerpt as a PDF at the bottom of the page. Published 26 January 2021 | Updated 3 March 2021 Employers and employees are seeking clarity on their workplace rights and obligations as COVID-19 (coronavirus) vaccines become available in Australia. This page provides …


crewAll, AU Government, Blogs, Common Law, Education, Employment, Ideas & Suggestions, Mandates & Law, National, Uncategorized, Vaccination, Vaccination Refusal, Websites

IMPORTANT: Download and print this document. Scroll down to see the printable PDF. Carry it with you at all times and use it to justify your refusal to use the COVIDSafe app in order to enter a business premises or use its services. Anyone refusing you entry or service risks 5 years in jail or 500 penalty points which equates …