1. Go get turned down or kicked out of an establishment, restaurant, school, etc document it. 2. Call the human rights commission. 1300 656 419 3. Make a complaint and get a file number. 4. Use that file number and make a statement. 5. The human rights commission will serve them papers. 6. The place that rejected you will think …
Noosa Businesses URGENT Call to Action PDF
Click / tap to save / download a JPEG version of this document >>
Decline: Vaxx / PCR / Mask – Templates from Serene Teffaha
24 July 2021 Templates from Serene Teffaha – Decline: Vaxx / PCR / MaskClick the link & share share share! https://www.advocateme.com.au/templates >>
QLD COVID restrictions (29Mar21) – Opinion
In response to the recent unlawful mandate (March 2021) from the QLD Premier and her team of medical experts here is your recourse if you would prefer not to comply. If you suffer from anxiety about wearing a mask (which most of us do since it’s harmful, pointless and an abuse of our humans rights) then you are medically exempt. …
ACTION: Downloadable Plandemic Flyer with Links v1.3 (06Apr21)
Download and save the below PDF flyer to your device for dissemination by email, social media etc. It was produced for A5 print artwork however this PDF is for a 2 page A4 PDF. The flyer was created by some Sunshine Coast QLD Australia patriots. It is free for download, printing, and distribution by anyone who wishes to use it. …
COVID-19 Vax & COVIDSafe App for the Workplace – Fair Work Commission (AU Gov – read)
24 March 2021 – The below quoted directly from the AU Gov Workplace Fair Work Commission website at https://www.fwc.gov.au/about-us/covid-19-information/covidsafe-app-workplace-rights Introduction On 14 May 2020, the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) was amended to support free and informed choice about whether to download and use the COVIDSafe app. The amendments include new offences and workplace rights in section 94H of the Privacy …
COVID-19 vaccinations & the workplace (AU Gov – read/download)
https://coronavirus.fairwork.gov.au/coronavirus-and-australian-workplace-laws/health-and-safety-in-the-workplace-during-coronavirus/covid-19-vaccinations-and-the-workplace The below text is taken directly from the FairWork website – 23 March 2021. You can download the excerpt as a PDF at the bottom of the page. Published 26 January 2021 | Updated 3 March 2021 Employers and employees are seeking clarity on their workplace rights and obligations as COVID-19 (coronavirus) vaccines become available in Australia. This page provides …
IMPORTANT: Download and print this document. Scroll down to see the printable PDF. Carry it with you at all times and use it to justify your refusal to use the COVIDSafe app in order to enter a business premises or use its services. Anyone refusing you entry or service risks 5 years in jail or 500 penalty points which equates …
Reignite Democracy (organisation)
Visit the Reignite Democracy website >> Visit the Reignite Democracy Bitchute channel >> Visit the Reignite Democracy Facebook page >> “Reignite Democracy Australia (RDA) was founded by Monica Smit in response to the Victorian government’s catastrophic handling of the COVID pandemic. Our vision is to empower people by giving them a voice and providing them with honest, timely and truthful …
Avi Yemini (activist)
See Avi Yemini website See Fight The Fines website See Rebel News website
Australian Peoples Government (political movement)
Political Meritocracy Mindmap >> The below text is quoted from the Australian Peoples Government website >> “This site is a prototype of the New Grassroots Meritocracy Australian People’s Government. A Government by the Australian People for the Australian People. It gets rid of the old antiquated divisive antagonistic Federal and State Westminster system of Government and Opposition. It gets rid …
Freedom of Information (act)
How to make an FOI request Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) Vist OAIC website >> The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, known until 2010 as the Office of the Australian Privacy Commissioner is an independent Australian Government agency, acting as the national data protection authority for Australia, established under the Australian Information Commissioner Act 2010, headed by …
Make Australia Healthy Again (organisation)
15 Feb 2021 – Class Action in the High Court of Australia – No to coercive and mandatory vaccination and loss of rights. Read more here >> The below quoted directly from the Make Australia Healthy Again website>> “Let’s make our children safe The Australian Government is now coercing Australians to inject poisonous untested vaccines (see our Press Release on …
Dawn Kelly – Police notice (Warwick W.A)
Visit Dawn Kelly’s website >> “I was Divinely guided to visit the Warwick Police Station to inform them that I will not be wearing a mask. It was important to share this information with them that they may not be aware of. The WESTERN AUSTRALIAN POLICE is a privately owned corporation, an agent of the Corporate State of WESTERN AUSTRALIA …
Unbranded Plandemic Flyer with Links v1.0
15 Feb 2021 The below is a flyer created by some Sunshine Coast QLD patriots. It is free for download, printing, and distribution by anyone who wishes to use it. There is a back and front for standard print or you can download and save the PDF to your device and combine as one document for dissemination by email, social …
Aussie Patriots Roll (organisation)
Quoted from Aussie Patriots Roll website >> “Aussie Patriots Roll is working towards removing ALL Career politicians, their Corporate Political Parties and their Corporate Governments from Our parliaments. We believe We must Unite and do whatever it takes to Restore Our Lawful Constitution, Our Common Law and Humans rights which have systematically been taken away from Australia and Australians by successive …
Tom Barnett (commentator)
Tom Barnett Youtube channel >> thebigvirushoax.com/dr-tom-barnett >> Holistic Health Practitioner – SW RICHMOND (BYRON BAY) ELECTORATE – Federal Election 18th May 2019 Politicians are renowned for their words. Tom prefers action over words, questions over answers, common sense over pseudo-science, and the right to freedom of choice over an extortionist dictatorship. Electing politicians to change politics is an antiquated approach. …
Sovereignty (editorial)
There are differing opinions about the legitimacy of Personal Sovereignty. Understandably, most men and women look at sovereignty with a favorable view. As a way forward for men and women, it is highly attractive since it seems to offer levels of freedom, autonomy, and independence that go way beyond the status-quo. Winners and loosers The concept of the Sovereign Citizen …
My Will Australia (organisation)
The below is quoted from the My Will Australia website >> “Your signature on the My Will letter is an expression of your will to put the power back into the hands of We, the People of the Commonwealth of Australia to guide our own destiny. We use these My Will letters to show that we have the support of …
Fight the Fines Australia (lawyer/fundraing)
Quoted from the Rebel News / Fight the Fines website >> “Every single day we’re hearing stories of law-abiding citizens — families, really — who are being ticketed and fined by overzealous police. Enough is enough! We decided to crowdfund lawyers for Australians who want to fight back against their outrageous tickets. DONATE NOW! We want to help turn the …
Know Your Rights Group (organisation)
Quoted from the knowyourrightsgroup.com.au website >> “Those who don’t know their rights have none. The Know Your Rights group is a community of passionate, like-minded people who are committed to sharing their wealth of knowledge, gained over many years, to inform and educate people about their rights in all areas of life. We recommend that you work your way through …
Australia One Party Dispatches – Stop Late Term Abortion (flyer download)
DISPATCH – 5 February 2021 Politicians from all parties are trying to trick the people of South Australia into joining Victoria, Tasmania, New South Wales and Queensland into passing the world’s most brutal and extreme abortion laws. It is part of the plan to destroy Australia. We will not allow this to occur. Please help us spread the word especially …
Serene Teffaha (lawyer)
From website: “ADVOCATE ME NATIONAL CLASS ACTION, LOCKDOWN Advocate Me is taking action in relation to the continuing Declaration of a State of Emergency across Australia and specifically in the States. We are also taking action in relation to the dangers associated with the fast-tracked COVID-19 vaccine approvals. We are also spearheading a number of actions to protect whistle-blowers including police …
No Restrictions on Those Who Refuse a Covid 19 Vaccination (petition EN2192)
Parliament of Australia. Petition EN2192 – No Restrictions on Those Who Refuse a Covid 19 Vaccination
Solutions Empowerment (organisation)
Quoted from solutionsempowerment.com website “Free yourself from slavery. The information provided on this website is the accumulation of over 21 years of personal research, application and experience, as well as years of active research initiatives, tested cases and contributions from many other local and international researchers and co pro-activists who are experts in their fields. This site was created …
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