Submission Against Extending QLD SOE Powers to April 2022

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Economics and Governance Committee Queensland Parliament Email: [email protected] Dear Committee: Re: Extension of Emergency Powers. Re: Concerns over Yvette D’ath, Minister for Health’s tabled bill for (Further Extension of Expiring Provisions) Amendment Bill 2021. I seek your Committee’s and also that of the Minister for Health Yvette D’arth’s explanation regarding the following matters listed below; (1) how it is possible …

Petition (AU GOV) – Stop Vaccine Passports

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URGENT response needed – as National Cabinet is working on the ‘Digital Vaccine Passport’ to become mandatory. Please sign this petition & pass it onto your circles /network asap if you want the Government to commit to NOT rolling out of any e-vaccination/status/immunity passport. Petition EN2463 – Government to commit no rolling out any e-vaccination status/immunity passport If more than …

Reignite Democracy (organisation)

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Visit the Reignite Democracy website >> Visit the Reignite Democracy Bitchute channel >> Visit the Reignite Democracy Facebook page >> “Reignite Democracy Australia (RDA) was founded by Monica Smit in response to the Victorian government’s catastrophic handling of the COVID pandemic. Our vision is to empower people by giving them a voice and providing them with honest, timely and truthful …

Australian Peoples Government (political movement)

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Political Meritocracy Mindmap >> The below text is quoted from the Australian Peoples Government website >> “This site is a prototype of the New Grassroots Meritocracy Australian People’s Government. A Government by the Australian People for the Australian People. It gets rid of the old antiquated divisive antagonistic Federal and State Westminster system of Government and Opposition. It gets rid …

Aussie Patriots Roll (organisation)

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Quoted from Aussie Patriots Roll website >> “Aussie Patriots Roll is working towards removing ALL Career politicians, their Corporate Political Parties and their Corporate Governments from Our parliaments. We believe We must Unite and do whatever it takes to Restore Our Lawful Constitution, Our Common Law and Humans rights which have systematically been taken away from Australia and Australians by successive …

Links & support letter for Craig Kelly MP (letter)

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Courtesy of the Australian Vaccination Risks Network (AVN) Visit website >> “When it comes to marching in lockstep, the trinity of government, media and pharmaceutical manufacturers don’t miss a beat. That’s why, when one of them takes a step ‘out of turn’, they are flattened by those who feel that no dissent or freedom of speech should be allowed. Craig …

My Will Australia (organisation)

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The below is quoted from the My Will Australia website >> “Your signature on the My Will letter is an expression of your will to put the power back into the hands of We, the People of the Commonwealth of Australia to guide our own destiny. We use these My Will letters to show that we have the support of …

Australia One Party Dispatches – Stop Late Term Abortion (flyer download)

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DISPATCH – 5 February 2021 Politicians from all parties are trying to trick the people of South Australia into joining Victoria, Tasmania, New South Wales and Queensland into passing the world’s most brutal and extreme abortion laws. It is part of the plan to destroy Australia. We will not allow this to occur. Please help us spread the word especially …

Serene Teffaha (lawyer)

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From website: “ADVOCATE ME NATIONAL CLASS ACTION, LOCKDOWN Advocate Me is taking action in relation to the continuing Declaration of a State of Emergency across Australia and specifically in the States. We are also taking action in relation to the dangers associated with the fast-tracked COVID-19 vaccine approvals. We are also spearheading a number of actions to protect whistle-blowers including police …

No Restrictions on Those Who Refuse a Covid 19 Vaccination (petition EN2192)

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Parliament of Australia. Petition EN2192 – No Restrictions on Those Who Refuse a Covid 19 Vaccination