The Secret Covenant

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These words, although unattributed, describe the New World Order paradigm and agenda with uncanny and chilling accuracy. Some of you may recognise the face of Dana Horochowski (you may know her by another name..) who shared a transcript of this text (with some minor differences) on an early podcast in 1990. The very fact that this text is making the …

ACTION: Downloadable Plandemic Flyer with Links v1.3 (06Apr21)

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Download and save the below PDF flyer to your device for dissemination by email, social media etc. It was produced for A5 print artwork however this PDF is for a 2 page A4 PDF. The flyer was created by some Sunshine Coast QLD Australia patriots. It is free for download, printing, and distribution by anyone who wishes to use it. …

Stickers artwork downloads – Reignite Democracy

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The below PDF artworks are for ready for print bumper stickers or flyers. Many thanks to Reignite Democracy! COVID – 99% Survival [doc id=436] Democracy – Worth Fighting For [doc id=435] Don’t Get Tested [doc id=434] Mandatory = Loss 0f Freedom [doc id=432] Masks don’t work [doc id=430] Masks don’t work [doc id=430] Mandatory = Loss 0f Freedom [doc id=432] …

Reignite Democracy (organisation)

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Visit the Reignite Democracy website >> Visit the Reignite Democracy Bitchute channel >> Visit the Reignite Democracy Facebook page >> “Reignite Democracy Australia (RDA) was founded by Monica Smit in response to the Victorian government’s catastrophic handling of the COVID pandemic. Our vision is to empower people by giving them a voice and providing them with honest, timely and truthful …

Dawn Kelly – Police notice (Warwick W.A)

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Visit Dawn Kelly’s website >> “I was Divinely guided to visit the Warwick Police Station to inform them that I will not be wearing a mask. It was important to share this information with them that they may not be aware of. The WESTERN AUSTRALIAN POLICE is a privately owned corporation, an agent of the Corporate State of WESTERN AUSTRALIA …

Unbranded Plandemic Flyer with Links v1.0

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15 Feb 2021 The below is a flyer created by some Sunshine Coast QLD patriots. It is free for download, printing, and distribution by anyone who wishes to use it. There is a back and front for standard print or you can download and save the PDF to your device and combine as one document for dissemination by email, social …

Links & support letter for Craig Kelly MP (letter)

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Courtesy of the Australian Vaccination Risks Network (AVN) Visit website >> “When it comes to marching in lockstep, the trinity of government, media and pharmaceutical manufacturers don’t miss a beat. That’s why, when one of them takes a step ‘out of turn’, they are flattened by those who feel that no dissent or freedom of speech should be allowed. Craig …

My Will Australia (organisation)

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The below is quoted from the My Will Australia website >> “Your signature on the My Will letter is an expression of your will to put the power back into the hands of We, the People of the Commonwealth of Australia to guide our own destiny. We use these My Will letters to show that we have the support of …

Australia One Party Dispatches – Stop Late Term Abortion (flyer download)

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DISPATCH – 5 February 2021 Politicians from all parties are trying to trick the people of South Australia into joining Victoria, Tasmania, New South Wales and Queensland into passing the world’s most brutal and extreme abortion laws. It is part of the plan to destroy Australia. We will not allow this to occur. Please help us spread the word especially …