Make Australia Healthy Again (organisation)
15 Feb 2021 – Class Action in the High Court of Australia – No to coercive and mandatory vaccination and loss of rights. Read more here >> The below quoted directly from the Make Australia Healthy Again website>> “Let’s make our children safe The Australian Government is now coercing Australians to inject poisonous untested vaccines (see our Press Release on …
Aussie Patriots Roll (organisation)
Quoted from Aussie Patriots Roll website >> “Aussie Patriots Roll is working towards removing ALL Career politicians, their Corporate Political Parties and their Corporate Governments from Our parliaments. We believe We must Unite and do whatever it takes to Restore Our Lawful Constitution, Our Common Law and Humans rights which have systematically been taken away from Australia and Australians by successive …
My Will Australia (organisation)
The below is quoted from the My Will Australia website >> “Your signature on the My Will letter is an expression of your will to put the power back into the hands of We, the People of the Commonwealth of Australia to guide our own destiny. We use these My Will letters to show that we have the support of …
Know Your Rights Group (organisation)
Quoted from the website >> “Those who don’t know their rights have none. The Know Your Rights group is a community of passionate, like-minded people who are committed to sharing their wealth of knowledge, gained over many years, to inform and educate people about their rights in all areas of life. We recommend that you work your way through …
Solutions Empowerment (organisation)
Quoted from website “Free yourself from slavery. The information provided on this website is the accumulation of over 21 years of personal research, application and experience, as well as years of active research initiatives, tested cases and contributions from many other local and international researchers and co pro-activists who are experts in their fields. This site was created …
Kingdom of Manna (sovereignty)
Australian Sovereignty OrganisationsQuoted from website “The Kingdom of Manna is officially an independent sovereign nation, with sovereignty originally being recognised in 714 BCE by the Assyrian Kingdom, and in modern times by multiple nations globally. The Kingdom of Manna originally existed in ancient times with a rich cultural history deeply rooted in art, science, medicine, agriculture, animal husbandry and …