The Secret Covenant

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These words, although unattributed, describe the New World Order paradigm and agenda with uncanny and chilling accuracy. Some of you may recognise the face of Dana Horochowski (you may know her by another name..) who shared a transcript of this text (with some minor differences) on an early podcast in 1990. The very fact that this text is making the …

Blossom Goodchild – Direct Voice Channeller & Author (people)

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The below quoted directly from Blossoms website where you can see her latest messages and conversations with The Federation of Light, an ‘Off World’ Conscious Light Energy (with whom Blossom began communication in 2005) and ‘White Cloud’, the Native American Indian Spirit with whom Blossom has had almost 20 years of contact. “The secret to an abundant life filled with …

Reignite Democracy (organisation)

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Visit the Reignite Democracy website >> Visit the Reignite Democracy Bitchute channel >> Visit the Reignite Democracy Facebook page >> “Reignite Democracy Australia (RDA) was founded by Monica Smit in response to the Victorian government’s catastrophic handling of the COVID pandemic. Our vision is to empower people by giving them a voice and providing them with honest, timely and truthful …

Dawn Kelly – Police notice (Warwick W.A)

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Visit Dawn Kelly’s website >> “I was Divinely guided to visit the Warwick Police Station to inform them that I will not be wearing a mask. It was important to share this information with them that they may not be aware of. The WESTERN AUSTRALIAN POLICE is a privately owned corporation, an agent of the Corporate State of WESTERN AUSTRALIA …

Solutions Empowerment (organisation)

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Quoted from website “Free yourself from slavery. The information provided on this website is the accumulation of over 21 years of personal research, application and experience, as well as years of active research initiatives, tested cases and contributions from many other local and international researchers and co pro-activists who are experts in their fields. ‍ This site was created …