Decline: Vaxx / PCR / Mask – Templates from Serene Teffaha

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24 July 2021 Templates from Serene Teffaha – Decline: Vaxx / PCR / MaskClick the link & share share share! >>

Submission Against Extending QLD SOE Powers to April 2022

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Economics and Governance Committee Queensland Parliament Email: [email protected] Dear Committee: Re: Extension of Emergency Powers. Re: Concerns over Yvette D’ath, Minister for Health’s tabled bill for (Further Extension of Expiring Provisions) Amendment Bill 2021. I seek your Committee’s and also that of the Minister for Health Yvette D’arth’s explanation regarding the following matters listed below; (1) how it is possible …

Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (The Constitution) 1977

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Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (The Constitution) This compilation was prepared on 4 September 2013 taking into account alterations up to Act No. 84 of 1977 [Note: This compilation contains all amendments to the Constitution made by the Constitution Alterations specified in Note 1
Additions to the text are shown in bold type
Omitted text is shown as ruled through] Prepared by …

Reignite Democracy (organisation)

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Visit the Reignite Democracy website >> Visit the Reignite Democracy Bitchute channel >> Visit the Reignite Democracy Facebook page >> “Reignite Democracy Australia (RDA) was founded by Monica Smit in response to the Victorian government’s catastrophic handling of the COVID pandemic. Our vision is to empower people by giving them a voice and providing them with honest, timely and truthful …

Australian Peoples Government (political movement)

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Political Meritocracy Mindmap >> The below text is quoted from the Australian Peoples Government website >> “This site is a prototype of the New Grassroots Meritocracy Australian People’s Government. A Government by the Australian People for the Australian People. It gets rid of the old antiquated divisive antagonistic Federal and State Westminster system of Government and Opposition. It gets rid …

Freedom of Information (act)

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How to make an FOI request Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) Vist OAIC website >> The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, known until 2010 as the Office of the Australian Privacy Commissioner is an independent Australian Government agency, acting as the national data protection authority for Australia, established under the Australian Information Commissioner Act 2010, headed by …

Make Australia Healthy Again (organisation)

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15 Feb 2021 – Class Action in the High Court of Australia – No to coercive and mandatory vaccination and loss of rights. Read more here >> The below quoted directly from the Make Australia Healthy Again website>> “Let’s make our children safe The Australian Government is now coercing Australians to inject poisonous untested vaccines (see our Press Release on …

Dawn Kelly – Police notice (Warwick W.A)

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Visit Dawn Kelly’s website >> “I was Divinely guided to visit the Warwick Police Station to inform them that I will not be wearing a mask. It was important to share this information with them that they may not be aware of. The WESTERN AUSTRALIAN POLICE is a privately owned corporation, an agent of the Corporate State of WESTERN AUSTRALIA …

My Will Australia (organisation)

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The below is quoted from the My Will Australia website >> “Your signature on the My Will letter is an expression of your will to put the power back into the hands of We, the People of the Commonwealth of Australia to guide our own destiny. We use these My Will letters to show that we have the support of …

Know Your Rights Group (organisation)

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Quoted from the website >> “Those who don’t know their rights have none. The Know Your Rights group is a community of passionate, like-minded people who are committed to sharing their wealth of knowledge, gained over many years, to inform and educate people about their rights in all areas of life. We recommend that you work your way through …

Solutions Empowerment (organisation)

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Quoted from website “Free yourself from slavery. The information provided on this website is the accumulation of over 21 years of personal research, application and experience, as well as years of active research initiatives, tested cases and contributions from many other local and international researchers and co pro-activists who are experts in their fields. ‍ This site was created …

Australian Vaccination Conditional Acceptance to Offer (letter)

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This letter should be used to inform the government that you accept their offer to vaccinate you and advise under what conditions you accept. It requires a response from government which, if not provided, implies their agreement with your offer Click/tap here to download this document [doc id=180]

Qantas Letter Conditional Acceptance to Offer (letter)

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You can use this letter to inform Qantas that you will accept their offer to vaccinate you before traveling on their airline providing they agree to certain conditions. Click/tap to download this document >> [doc id=181]